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PO Box 23
Hummelstown, PA 17036


Lancaster Area GIG

  • 03/27/2017
  • 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
  • The Team Approach, Lancaster, PA


Registration is closed

The Lancaster Area GIG was created to provide a networking and learning community for ATD members in the Lancaster area (but all are welcome!). 

The theme is Connect, Learn and Energize! The current issue of CLO Magazine (http://www.clomedia.com) is often the starting point for conversation, but the emphasis remains on the issues affecting our members. Coffee is on at 7:30AM, with the meeting beginning at 8 and concluding by 9:30.

We meet the last Monday of each month. This GIG is generally hosted by The TEAM Approach, but we are always looking for other members to host as well!


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