PO Box 23Hummelstown, PA 17036
Eastern PA ASTD Chapter Event
**Special pricing for Central PA ASTD members**
Do you have enough time?
There are only 168 hours in a week.
Where will you get more?
Who should attend: Those who don't even have time!
What you'll get: In this lunch-n-learn sessions you'll learn to...
About the presenter:
Rick Kerner has a passion for time management: "Start on Time; End on Time." He has been a training and media specialist with Victaulic since 1995. Rick holds a Bachelor's Degree in Radio and Television Broadcasting, and a minor in Behavioral Psychology. He is currently a member of ASTD National, the ASTD-Eastern PA Chapter, and is the Northeast National Advisor for Chapters.
For more information and to register, visit www.easternpa.astd.org.
Thank you to our Advocate Sponsor!
Our Mission
To provide members with resources to elevate career capabilities and build professional relationships at a local level.
Our Vision
To be the membership choice of Talent Developers in Central Pennsylvania.
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