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Hummelstown, PA 17036


Time Management with Rick Kerner

  • 04/08/2014
  • 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM
  • Crowne Plaza Reading (Wyomissing, PA)

Eastern PA ASTD Chapter Event

**Special pricing for Central PA ASTD members**


Do you have enough time?

There are only 168 hours in a week.

Where will you get more?


Who should attend: Those who don't even have time!

What you'll get:  In this lunch-n-learn sessions you'll learn to...

  • Manage priorities
  • Set purposes and goals
  • Deal with urgent issues
  • Recognize what makes up a habit
  • Avoid gimmicks and quick fixes
  • Understand difference between efficiency and effectiveness
  • Say "No" (and make more money)
  • Manage voicemail and email
  • Manage multiple priorities

About the presenter:

Rick Kerner has a passion for time management: "Start on Time; End on Time." He has been a training and media specialist with Victaulic since 1995. Rick holds a Bachelor's Degree in Radio and Television Broadcasting, and a minor in Behavioral Psychology. He is currently a member of ASTD National, the ASTD-Eastern PA Chapter, and is the Northeast National Advisor for Chapters.

For more information and to register, visit www.easternpa.astd.org.

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