PO Box 23Hummelstown, PA 17036
This is the first part of a two part series focusing on Problem-Based Learning & Game Design.
Problem-Based Learning & Game Design
Instructional design is both a process (macro) and a strategy (micro). Micro instructional design models should provide a formula for designing user experience, engagement and interaction that supports learning. Join this session to explore David Merrill’s Pebble in the Pond (PiP) instructional design model for problem-based learning and consider how it can also be applied to game-based learning design.
About the Facilitator . . .
Andy Petroski coordinates the Learning Technologies Master of Science (LTMS) program and learning technologies at Harrisburg University as Director of Learning Technologies and Assistant Professor of Learning Technologies. His work at Harrisburg University has included efforts in the areas of educational technology strategy, games and simulations, classroom technology, web 2.0, patient education, social learning and faculty development. As an award-winning instructional technologist with more than 15 years of eLearning design and development experience, he has designed and developed technology-based learning in multimedia production firms, independent consulting, corporate learning and education.
You can learn more about Andy on LinkedIn at www.linkedin.com/pub/andy-petroski/0/176/315/ and on Twitter at @apetroski.
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