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FREE WEBINAR! Talent Management: The Basics and Beyond

  • 05/23/2013
  • 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
  • DETAILS/REGISTRATION INFO at: http://eepurl.com/ysQXz


For registration and additional information, contact Tom Bux at 717-948-6703 or tbux@psu.edu

Talent management is a term in search of a meaning. For some it means nothing more than succession planning; for others, it is all about attracting, developing, and retaining the best people; and, for still others, it means anything the organization wants it to mean. This session will focus on talent management as the integrated approach to attract, develop, and retain the best and the most productive and promotable  people. Learn what best practices mean and be able to compare your organization to best practices in talent management.

Upon completing this webinar, participants will be able to:
  • Define talent management and appreciate why a clear understanding of the term, linked to solving the organization’s people challenges, is of critical important
  • Explain why a “big picture model” is essential to integrate all the moving parts of an effective talent management program
  • Compare your organization to best practices in talent management
Webinar Topics
  1. Introduction
  2. Key Terms and Why They are Important
  3. Why Talent Management Is Important and What Models Can Drive It
  4. What Is Best Practice?
  5. Conclusion and Final Questions and Answer
The session will be facilitated by William J. Rothwell, Ph.D., SPHR, a professor of workforce education and development at Penn State, University Park Campus. Rothwell worked in government and business as an HR professional for 20 years before he arrived at Penn State in 1993. He has authored, coauthored, edited, and co-edited 81 books and 200 HR articles.
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