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PO Box 23
Hummelstown, PA 17036


Beginner's Twitter for Learning MeetUp

  • 11/27/2012
  • 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
  • The TEAM Approach, 2174 Old Philadelphia Pike, Lancaster, PA 17602


Registration is closed

Attend this MeetUp to learn why you should add Twitter to your learning toolbox.  It's a valuable tool for personal learning and has the power to impact your organization's communication and learning as well.  200 million Tweets a day can't be wrong.  Micro blogging and micro sharing with Twitter is one of the most active and valuable social media tools for learning.  Learn how to set up a Twitter account, follow other users, create lists, use hash tags, use a social media browser to manage multiple accounts and participate in a Twitter chat.  Attendees will need to bring a laptop and be able to access Twitter (www.twitter.com) to participate in this MeetUp.  A wireless Internet connection will be available.  You do not have to have a Twitter account prior to attending.

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