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Hummelstown, PA 17036


Red Rose Learning Community (formerly known as the Lancaster Area GIG)

  • 02/22/2021
  • 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM
  • Virtual - link will be provided after registration
  • 94


Registration is closed

The Lancaster GIG began over 20 years ago to serve networking needs of members in the Lancaster/York areas. Originally called LYN (for Lancaster/York Network) and then Red Rose Learning Community as it morphed into a Lancaster focus. It has now become a community of practice where we share our successes and challenges in a caring group of like-minded professionals.

Each month we use an article from CLO magazine (Chief Learning Officer) as a topic to consider when we meet; although it is not unusual to spend all our time discussing current issues members bring up during our opening welcome.

This month we will consider an article on Psychological Safety. Your thoughts on how the concepts in the article can be applied to the virtual world many of us live in will be appreciated.

As usual we will spend time checking in with each other and discussing projects and plans for the coming months. The gathering question will be - what is the ideal relationship between L&D professionals and front line team leaders?

You will receive information to the Zoom meeting room upon registration.  Questions or suggestions?  Contact your host rick@teamapproach.com

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