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Capability Conversations (virtual event)

  • 11/17/2020
  • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Virtual - link will be provided after registration
  • 50


Registration is closed

Are you familiar with TED talks?  You know, those short, often powerful presentations that help spread great ideas and inspire those who are listening?  Well, TED is serving as our inspiration for our Capability Conversations event!  This event will bring speakers to present on some topics from the ATD Capability Model.  We are excited to bring these speakers to you in a virtual format!

Cara North and Dr. Sheng-Lun Cheng will share information on formal/informal education in L&D.  Specifically, they will discuss the gap they see between formal Instructional Design programs and what employers want.

Nat Measley’s presentation is called “Intentional Culture: The First Step in Building a Profitable Workplace Culture".  He will explore the foundations for making culture an intentional part of your organization's operations with the focus on how to leverage your people to build a culture where they feel empowered to make a difference in the culture itself.

Ali Moyer will speak on how to develop educational programming and professional development opportunities for an organization related to diversity, equity, and inclusion.  She will share information on how to get organizations engaged in DE&I topics such and how we celebrate a variety of global cultures every year.

Richard Fino will offer insights on cultural awareness by broadening the definition of culture and helping to define what inclusion really means.  He will show how judgment free accountability is key to a company’s diversity plans and will challenge you to create positive social change, one conversation at a time.

Each speaker will present for 10-15 minutes and there will be a group Q&A time at the end of the event.  We hope you can join us for this exciting virtual event as we explore the ATD Capability Model with these sensational speakers!

This event is being sponsored by these fantastic organizations:

Ready Training Online (RTO) is your partner in online employee training for across a variety of industries. Choose from their library of training courses or create your own. At RTO, the goal is to simplify training to save training administrators valuable time while helping employees be successful in their jobs. To learn more about the trainingGrid LMS, RTO’s available training content, or for customer training, click here!

Since 1986, Dering has been helping their clients develop, engage, and align their people for success. The work of the Dering team involves all dimensions of organizational development, including training, strategic planning, teambuilding, change management, and performance coaching. Dering OnDemand blends their business and leadership curriculum with an easy-to-use online platform. Click here to learn more!

d’Vinci Interactive uses the power of their collective knowledge to create unique learning experiences. The d’Vinci team of learning specialists, creative designers and application developers collaborates with clients to not only deliver engaging learning solutions but also to meet 508 compliance and enhanced security requirements. d’Vinci brings order and clarity to content and technology. Click here to learn more!  

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