Everyone can use a little stretch in the afternoon, right?
Has it been awhile since you exercised your eLearning curiosity muscles?
Are you ready to add a new combo to your eLearning workout routine?
Ever been asked to create an innovative eLearning experience after someone gives you thirty slides of indigestible infodump on your inbox?
If so, join Jonathan Rock for a midday eLearning stretch on August 25, from 12:30 to 1:30.
In this session you’ll learn where to source free art assets to make the game-based eLearning in your head a reality. AND you’ll learn how to create them, from still images to animated sprites using PowerPoint or free software like Inkscape. PLUS you’ll get a framework for how to decide which to do: source, make or both!
No tablet? Can’t draw? No problem. Jonathan will show you how you can recreate the most complex forms using simple shapes, tracing, and Booleans, and then animate them! There will be examples from Storyline and Unity, but these techniques will work with any authoring tool.
If you’ve got AAA Game tastes, with a Rocks-Paper-Scissors budget this lunchtime session will be your cheat code to eLearning glory!
We hope you can join us for a little mental afternoon stretch and learn together!
Jonathan Rock is a Learning Stylist, passionate about creating training with impact - memorable, heartbreaking, surprising, funny. He instructs in-person, uses Articulate Storyline to craft eLearning experiences, and administers an LMS. He’s created and run New Employee Orientations. He writes, wins and administrates training grants. He has even been known to M.C. the company picnic. He believes in always taking the work seriously. He believes in not always taking himself seriously.