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PO Box 23
Hummelstown, PA 17036


Red Rose Learning Community (formerly known as the Lancaster Area GIG)

  • 08/31/2020
  • 7:30 AM - 9:00 AM
  • Virtual - link will be provided after registration
  • 84


Registration is closed

Over 20 years ago our chapter, looking to serve networking needs of members in the Lancaster/York areas, formed LYN (for Lancaster/York Network).  Since most members who attended were from Lancaster it was renamed Red Rose Learning Community.  For now, it is virtual but still hosted from the Red Rose city with a focus on forming a community of practice where we share our successes and challenges in a caring group of like-minded professionals.

Each month we use an article from CLO magazine as a topic to consider when we meet and the article this month is about pandemic learning lessons.  While we'd love to have everyone read the article and be prepared to discuss it, it is not unusual to spend all our time discussing current issues members bring up during our opening welcome.  So be prepared to tell everyone what you are working on; what challenges you are having; what resources you are looking for.  And, be prepared to contribute your knowledge and experience with others.

You will receive information to the Zoom meeting room upon registration.  Questions or suggestions?  Contact your host rick@teamapproach.com

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