PO Box 23Hummelstown, PA 17036
The Lancaster GIG began over 20 years ago to serve networking needs of members in the Lancaster/York areas. Originally called LYN (for Lancaster/York Network) and then Red Rose Learning Community as it morphed into a Lancaster focus. It has now become a community of practice where we share our successes and challenges in a caring group of like-minded professionals.
Each month we use an article in the Chief Learning Officer magazine as a topic to consider when we meet; although it is not unusual to spend all of our time discussing current issues members bring up during our opening welcome.
This month we will consider a short article in the issue called Book Clubs and then dig a little more into the topic of what Neuroscience can tell us about making training stick.
We'd like to start off the introductions with a “What are you reading?” discussion. Also, come prepared with your LinkedIn app so we can connect with each other.
Thank you to our Advocate Sponsor!
Our Mission
To provide members with resources to elevate career capabilities and build professional relationships at a local level.
Our Vision
To be the membership choice of Talent Developers in Central Pennsylvania.
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