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Hummelstown, PA 17036


Lancaster Area GIG - Canceled for March

  • 03/30/2020
  • 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
  • The Team Approach, 2174 Old Philadelphia Pike, Lancaster, PA 17602


The Lancaster GIG began over 20 years ago to serve networking needs of members in the Lancaster/York areas. Originally called LYN (for Lancaster/York Network) and then Red Rose Learning Community as it morphed into a Lancaster focus. It has now become a community of practice where we share our successes and challenges in a caring group of like-minded professionals.

Each month we use an article in the Chief Learning Officer magazine as a topic to consider when we meet; although it is not unusual to spend all of our time discussing current issues members bring up during our opening welcome.

This month we will consider a short article in the issue called Book Clubs and then dig a little more into the topic of what Neuroscience can tell us about making training stick.

We'd like to start off the introductions with a “What are you reading?” discussion. Also, come prepared with your LinkedIn app so we can connect with each other.

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