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PO Box 23
Hummelstown, PA 17036


Beyond the Classroom Door: Changing Expectations for Adult Educators

  • 03/21/2019
  • 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
  • Milton S. Hershey Medical Center, Clinical Stimulation Center, 500 University Drive, Hershey PA 17033


  • Light refreshments served.
  • Light refreshments served.

Registration is closed

Being content with great student evaluations and learner test scores is not enough. Evaluating for impact on organizational goals and, ultimately, the organization’s mission is what is needed to create value in education and training departments. This program examines the Kirkpatrick evaluation system with an emphasis on moving towards behavior (Level 3) and outcome (Level 4) results. To accomplish this, the role of educator must evolve to take on expanded responsibilities in the organization. The program will also look at how the educator’s role is changing to meet these demands. After the presentation, we will participate in a tour of the Clinical Simulation Center!


There is information about campus parking and walking directions from the Main Entrance to the Simulation Center available online. The best parking will be in the  Centerview Garage, then walk to the Main Entrance. Google Maps brings you to another entrance with no public parking. Once you arrive on campus, follow the signs to Centerview.

Speaker's Bio

David Rodgers is the manager of the Clinical Simulation Center at the Penn State Health Milton S. Hershey Medical Center in Hershey, Pennsylvania. Dr. Rodgers earned his doctorate in Curriculum and Instruction and Master’s Degree in Communications Studies from Marshall University. Clinically, he is a national registered paramedic with over 30 years’ experience including time as a flight paramedic, EMS supervisor, and manager of a hospital-based critical care transport service.

With over 20 years’ involvement in simulation education, Dr. Rodgers has a wide range of experience in simulation center operations and simulation educational program development. He was the founding director of a large teaching-hospital based simulation center, helped expand the capabilities of an established pediatric simulation center, and operated his own simulation education consulting company. In his role as a consultant, Dr. Rodgers worked with medical schools, nursing schools, hospitals, EMS agencies, and simulation industry entities on a variety of simulation projects.

Additionally, Dr. Rodgers has been active as a volunteer with the American Heart Association (AHA) having served as chairperson of the Emergency Cardiovascular Care Education Subcommittee and as a member of the Program Administration Subcommittee (PROAD). He has been active with the AHA in international activities, serving as a member of the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR), conducting AHA advanced and basic instructor courses in Japan, Germany, and Ireland, and was an AHA representative to the Emergency Cardiovascular Care Consensus 2005 and 2010 conferences. In recognition for his contributions to Emergency Cardiovascular Care, Dr. Rodgers was elected a Fellow of the American Heart Association.

Active as a speaker, Dr. Rodgers has conducted presentations and workshops at several international conferences including the International Meeting on Simulation in HealthCare, The International Pediatric Simulation Symposium and Workshops, and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Update.

Dr. Rodgers is active as a researcher and writer and serves as a peer reviewer for several journals, a member of the editorial board for the journal Simulation in Healthcare and has published over 20 peer- reviewed manuscripts and abstracts.

You can connect with Dr. Rodgers via LinkedIn or email at drodgers1@pennstatehealth.psu.edu

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