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PO Box 23
Hummelstown, PA 17036


Lancaster Area GIG

  • 06/25/2018
  • 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
  • Listrak, 100 West Millport Road (corner of Buckwalter Road), Lititz, PA 17543


Registration is closed

This month, we will travel to a member site for our gathering. We will meet at Listrak where member Gina (Goshert) Sweeney is employed as a Leadership Development Trainer. For more information about Listrak, visit www.listrak.com

As usual, we will begin with a “check-in” to share current projects, challenges, successes, etc. As time permits, we will then look at the June issue of CLO Magazine and discuss any topics the group finds interesting. If you are not subscribed you can read it online at https://magazine.clomedia.com/issue/june-2018

An article suggested for our discussion is "Building Trust Through Story-Telling"

When you arrive, please enter through the Buckwalter Road entrance and proceed to the reception desk. The receptionist will check you in, and you will receive a visitor’s badge. Members of the Listrak team will escort you to the meeting area.

Plan to stay for a short tour of the company and learn a bit about their work.

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