PO Box 23Hummelstown, PA 17036
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If you said yes to the following questions, you’re not alone. As facilitators, we are always searching for distinct ways to improve our practice so that our clients grow. Attending this session, you will experience how the Points of You™ approach invites an integrative process where people can utilize social/emotional intelligence and analytical intelligence to expand perspectives.
Here’s a few examples of some international organizations and how they have used Points of You:
Locally, here’s a few examples of how Tony has been using Points of You in Pennsylvania.
Come join Tony Hernandez, Certified Points of You™ Trainer and get first-hand experience with the powerful tools that inspire people to discover new points of view. You’ll have a chance to learn about a special offer and training opportunities.
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To provide members with resources to elevate career capabilities and build professional relationships at a local level.
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To be the membership choice of Talent Developers in Central Pennsylvania.
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