PO Box 23Hummelstown, PA 17036
There are powerful methods to engage learners through narrative, scenarios and stories in order to make it relatable to them. Stories and narrative give adult learners that crucial window into how the content is relevant to them, making them invested in the material. Enhancing performance is more complex than a 'PowerPoint on steroids' can provide and it's time to take eLearning to a new level of ROI and results through the incorporation of better content. Topics include: why stories work, harvesting stories, narrative and case studies for eLearning, converting instructor-led training to eLearning using stories to the greatest effect, techniques for creating stories in a development tool, and using videos to tell stories.
At ATD TK 2016, Diane Senffner delivered her popular Story Integrating Narrative to Make eLearning Relevant session to a packed, standing-room- only house. This highly-rated and dynamic session was videotaped by ATD for posterity.
In this webinar, we will cover these topics and then leave time at the end for brainstorming on ways to wrap stories around the participant’s own topics!
Webinar Registration Link: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/cbc603ab6853218a8c34be5db4a05ad8
Diane Senffner, Bio: Diane Senffner, M.Ed. is the CEO of Cine Learning Productions, a recognized leader in the field of eLearning and educational video. She has her Master’s Degree in Adult Learning/Distance Education and over sixteen years' experience creating award winning courses and video in both the public and private sectors all over the globe. Her research and theories in story-based learning have been published and Cine Learning is now known worldwide for this method of eLearning design and educational video. Diane has spoken professionally for years and has presented at major training conferences around as a subject matter expert on eLearning, blended learning and educational video. She has also the authored a number of industry and association publications including the cover story "Story Time" for ATD TD Magazine in 2015 and the ATD TD at Work,"Blended Learning That Works." Cine was just award top honors in Training Magazine’s TTV Awards as the nation’s #1 vendor-produced video.
Leslie G. Kepler. Ed.D. Bio Leslie is known for being lively, laughing loud, and loving to tackle a workplace performance challenge. Her idea of work fun is mind melding with clients and designers to come up with better training or performance support options. She’s passionate about creating training transformation in hopes of answering the question, “what if employees actually liked online learning?” The answer is important to our profession because lots of employees really really dislike the lousy online learning they’re subjected to too often. We training geeks are undermining our awesomeness when we are party to bad online learning. Stop the madness! Leslie’s creative inspiration and life fun comes from hiking beautiful Arizona with her hubby and Kirby the adorable dog, baking fabulous homemade bread, and connecting with people instead of devices.
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