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PO Box 23
Hummelstown, PA 17036



  • 10/07/2016
  • 8:00 AM - 12:30 PM
  • American Music Theatre || 2425 Lincoln Highway East || Lancaster, PA 17605

Most of us want to do better at work, at home, and in life, but we don’t know how. As a result we’re stuck. Maybe we’re even stuck in a good place…but we know it’s not the best place. Now is the time to do something different, to step out of your comfort zone and into the challenge that will take you to the better place. It won’t be easy, change never is. It will be hard, but it will be worth it.

It’s time to stop asking “What If?” and time to start doing!

To help our members build their leadership, to invest in themselves and their teams, Central PA ATD has negotiated for a $15 discount/ticket to attend ‘Live2Lead’ on Friday Oct. 7th at the American Music Theatre with the event host, the Goble Group. ‘Live2Lead’ is a ½ day professional development simulcast featuring John C. Maxwell, Liz Wiseman, Simon Sinek, & Dan Cathy.

To purchase tickets, visit http://www.AMTshows.com/Live2Lead and use the promo code ‘ATD’ to have $15 reduced from your price for individual tickets.  Team discounts available as well on the same site…no code needed!  Invest in yourself. Invest in your team. Invest in our future.

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