PO Box 23Hummelstown, PA 17036
We will share ideas, exchange resources and support each other to collaboratively solve instructional problems related to online learning. Each monthly online meeting will offer the opportunity for introductions, discussion on a specific article provided before the session and conversation around participant specific concerns. Participants should come prepared to interact.
A link will be provided to registered participants prior to meeting. Registration will be limited to the first 20 participants.
(Please see the following article to view technical specifications: https://helpx.adobe.com/adobe-connect/tech-specs.html )
For more information, contact James Rutkowski @ james@learningpowerup.com.
Thank you to our Advocate Sponsor!
Our Mission
To provide members with resources to elevate career capabilities and build professional relationships at a local level.
Our Vision
To be the membership choice of Talent Developers in Central Pennsylvania.
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