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Harrisburg University: Exploring Training / eLearning Consultant-preneurship

  • 07/31/2014
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • Harrisburg University

Please join us for this FREE session, brought to you by the Learning Technologies Master of Science (LTMS) program (www.harrisburgu.edu/learningtechnologies) at Harrisburg University of Science and Technology.


Thursday, July 31st 12 Noon – 1 PM

Attend and network at Harrisburg University or join online

BYOL (Bring Your Own Lunch)

Register to attend at http://harrisburgu.adobeconnect.com/e6lwd5nkr3f/event/event_info.html


Exploring Training / eLearning Consultant-preneurship

Join Dayna Williams from Training Pros for "Exploring Consulting-preneurship." The session will focus on determining whether contract work is the right fit for your career goals, what's needed to begin consulting and how to gain a competitive advantage in the market. Attend this session to:

  • Determine whether contract work is the right fit for your career goals.
  • Learn the basic ABCs of what is needed to begin consulting.
  • Recognize the steps to take to gain a competitive advantage in the market, avoid mistakes and stand out.
  • Take part in a no holds barred opportunity for questions and answers!


Register to attend at http://harrisburgu.adobeconnect.com/e6lwd5nkr3f/event/event_info.html


Dayna Williams is a Relationship Manager with TrainingPros, which matches highly qualified L&D talent with companies that want to increase their bandwidth on a temporary basis. She is also a self-employed Sr. Instructional Designer specializing in Learning Strategy and Program Management and has been consulting for 8 years. More information: http://www.training-pros.com/about-trainingpros/trainingpros-markets/northeast/item/dayna-williams

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