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PO Box 23
Hummelstown, PA 17036


Professional Development Day 2014

  • 10/23/2014
  • 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • 4139 Oregon Pike, Ephrata Township, PA
  • 14


  • Full day registration includes breakfast and lunch.
  • Full day registration includes breakfast and lunch.
  • Full day registration includes breakfast and lunch.
  • Full day registration includes breakfast and lunch.

Registration is closed

Join us for the 2014 Professional Development Day!  This fall, the Central PA ASTD is excited to host Carol Stroud and Amber Aziza to share with us how to deal with today’s ‘need for speed.’  Space is limited! Reserve your seats now! 

Session 1:  AGILE Instructional Design

SPEAKER UPDATE: Carol Stroud, Performance Support Strategist at APPLY Synergies will be the primary facilitator for this session with Conrad Gottfredson, Chief Learning Strategist at APPLY Synergies joining virtually.

APPLY Synergies, will be kicking off the day with AGILE Instructional Design.  Organizations today face unrelenting demands of change at a rate and magnitude that is staggering. To survive they must be agile, they must continuously undergo new skill cycles to prepare for new competitive re-tooling in order to maintain their competitiveness. AGILE instructional design is a proven model for helping organizations meet this demanding challenge.

In this first session, you will learn about how AGILE differs from other Instructional Design methodologies, the benefits of AGILE design for both the learner and the organization, how to transition into an AGILE model, and the core concepts of AGILE design.

Session 2: Training Generation “Why?”

The afternoon session will feature Amber Aziza, Founder & CEO of the Aziza Group, and Training Generation “Why?” Millennials are known for making everything shorter- "LOL" and "BFF" are just a few examples. So why, in a generation known for shortcuts, is it so difficult for us to train them? This session focuses on just that! Using a case study of management courses built solely utilizing social media, this session will explore how the training standards are being bent to accommodate the workplace’s most educated, yet fickle, generation.

From understanding Millennial WIIFMs (What's In It For Me?) to how to develop training that incorporates their fast-paced culture, this session is sure to wow! Participants will walk away from this session with strategies and activities that can be implemented immediately, and a knowledge base of what Gen Y wants.

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